Industry-academia workshop: “Solving pressing industrial challenges with mathematical modelling”

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Friday, October 27, 2017 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM (EEST), Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nicosia, Cyprus

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Cyprus University of Technology, Mathematics for Industry Network (MI-NET, COST Action TD1409), British High Commission in Cyprus are organising the Industry-Academia workshop “Solving pressing industrial challenges with mathematical modelling”. This interactive industry-academia workshop aims to bring together companies and researchers with a mathematical background (Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science). Several successful examples of collaborations between universities and companies will be presented by international and local experts so that the participants are inspired to explore and launch their own collaborations.  Discussion and brainstorming will follow.

For more information click here.

Official public opening of 125th ESGI

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The  official public opening of the 1st Study Group with Industry in Cyprus has taken place today
(5th December 2016) at the  Cyprus University of Technology The event included short talks from internationally leading experts in industrial and applied mathematics who shared effective international practices for connecting academia with industry and the society, and gave specific examples. Subsequently, four local industrial challenges were presented by the selected organisations. (The opening event was also be attended by experts from 20 countries, members of the Mathematics for Industry Network.)

Two challenges just announced!

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Two very interesting challenges have been uploaded today, awaiting innovative solutions from our expert academic teams during the Study Group! One challenge is from the toy company ENGINO and the other one from the Cyprus Water Development Department. Go here to read the challenge descriptions.

Call for Industrial Challenges Now Open

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We have now opened our online registration form for companies to the 125th European Study Group with Industry (1st CY Study Group), taking place in Limassol, 5-9 December 2016 (Venue: Cyprus University of Technology and Poseidonia Beach Hotel).

If you are a company (or other organisation) and have a  challenging problem to be solved  by our team of expert participants please submit your proposal by the 24/10/2016.

You may download the invitation with all relevant information from below.


Researcher Registration Now Open

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We have now opened our online registration form  for researchers for the 125th European Study Group with Industry (1st CY Study Group), taking place in Limassol, 5-9 December 2016 (Venue: Cyprus University of Technology and Poseidonia Beach Hotel).

If you are a mathematical scientist (mathematician, physicist, computer scientist or an engineer with a strong maths background) you can join us and solve an exciting new industrial problem. Registration is free. Deadline: 31/10/2016.

Official Website Launch

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The 125th ESGI website is officially launched. Stay tuned as the Call for Problem Proposals  is coming soon.